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The cumulative gains plot, often named ‘gains plot’, helps us answer the question: When we apply the model and select the best X deciles, what expect to target? The cumulative gains chart shows the percentage of the overall number of cases in a given category "gained" by targeting a percentage of the total number of cases.


  multis = NA,
  target = "auto",
  splits = 10,
  highlight = "auto",
  caption = NA,
  save = FALSE,
  subdir = NA,
  file_name = "viz_gain.png",
  quiet = FALSE



Vector. Real known label.


Vector. Predicted value or model's result.


Data.frame. Containing columns with each category probability or score (only used when more than 2 categories coexist).


Value. Which is your target positive value? If set to 'auto', the target with largest mean(score) will be selected. Change the value to overwrite. Only works for binary classes


Integer. Numer of quantiles to split the data


Character or Integer. Which split should be used for the automatic conclussion in the plot? Set to "auto" for best value, "none" to turn off or the number of split.


Character. Caption to show in plot


Boolean. Save output plot into working directory


Character. Sub directory on which you wish to save the plot


Character. File name as you wish to save the plot


Boolean. Do not show message for auto target?


Plot with gain and performance results by cuts.


Sys.unsetenv("LARES_FONT") # Temporal
data(dfr) # Results for AutoML Predictions
lapply(dfr, head)
#> $class2
#>     tag    scores
#> 1  TRUE 0.3155498
#> 2  TRUE 0.8747599
#> 3  TRUE 0.8952823
#> 4 FALSE 0.0436517
#> 5  TRUE 0.2196593
#> 6 FALSE 0.2816101
#> $class3
#>   tag score        n_1        n_2        n_3
#> 1 n_3   n_2 0.20343865 0.60825062 0.18831071
#> 2 n_2   n_3 0.17856154 0.07657769 0.74486071
#> 3 n_1   n_1 0.50516951 0.40168718 0.09314334
#> 4 n_3   n_2 0.30880713 0.39062151 0.30057135
#> 5 n_2   n_3 0.01956827 0.07069011 0.90974158
#> 6 n_2   n_3 0.07830017 0.15408720 0.76761264
#> $regr
#>       tag    score
#> 1 11.1333 25.93200
#> 2 30.0708 39.91900
#> 3 26.5500 50.72246
#> 4 31.2750 47.81292
#> 5 13.0000 30.12853
#> 6 26.0000 13.24153

# Plot for Binomial Model
mplot_gain(dfr$class2$tag, dfr$class2$scores,
  caption = "Titanic Survived Model",
  target = "FALSE"
#> Target value: FALSE

mplot_gain(dfr$class2$tag, dfr$class2$scores,
  caption = "Titanic Survived Model",
  target = "TRUE"
#> Target value: TRUE

# Plot for Multi-Categorical Model
mplot_gain(dfr$class3$tag, dfr$class3$score,
  multis = subset(dfr$class3, select = -c(tag, score)),
  caption = "Titanic Class Model"
#> Target value: n_1
#> Target value: n_2
#> Target value: n_3