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Given and input and a word, validate each letter based on Wordle's rules: correct letter in correct placement (green), correct letter in wrong placement (yellow), letter is not present (red).


  dictionary = NULL,
  lang_dic = "en",
  method = 3,
  print = TRUE

# S3 method for class 'wordle_check'
print(x, print = TRUE, ...)

wordle_dictionary(lang_dic = "en", method = 3, quiet = TRUE)

wordle_simulation(input, word, seed = NULL, quiet = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for class 'wordle_simulation'
print(x, type = 1, ...)



Character. Word to validate (5-letters)


Character. Word actually answer (5-letters).


Character vector. List of valid words. If set to NULL then will use modified scrabble_dictionary() to fetch 5 letter words. Use lang_dic param to set language.


Character. Any of: "en", "es". Only used when dictionary parameter is NULL. Requires internet connection the first time. Uses cache.


Integer. 1 for scrabble_dictionary(), 3 for scrapping the words taken straight from the game's source code.


Boolean. Print validation results?


Object to print


Additional parameters.


Boolean. Do not print words as they are being searched.


Numeric. For reproducibility. Accepts more than one: will run as many seeds there are.


Integer. 1 for summary and 2 for coloured results.


Invisible vector with results by letter.


word <- "ABBEY"
# Or pick a random one:
# word <- sample(wordle_dictionary("en"), 1)
wordle_check("OPENS", word)
#> O P E N S
wordle_check("BABES", word)
#> B A B E S
wordle_check("KEBAB", word, print = FALSE)
wordle_check("ABYSS", word)
#> A B Y S S
wordle_check("ABBEY", word)
#> A B B E Y
# Feel free to use scrabble_words() for hints

x <- wordle_simulation(input = "SAINT", word = "ABBEY", seed = 1:3)
#> S A I N T reduced from 14,855 to 946
#> A L G A E reduced from 946 to 85
#> A B O R D reduced from 85 to 7
#> A B A C A reduced from 7 to 2
#> A B U Z Z reduced from 2 to 1
#> A B B E Y reduced from 1 to 1
#> >> Iterations (seed = 1): 6
#> S A I N T
#> A R A B A reduced from 946 to 117
#> A F L O W reduced from 117 to 36
#> A G G A G reduced from 36 to 19
#> A C K E E reduced from 19 to 6
#> A D D E D reduced from 6 to 1
#> A B B E Y reduced from 1 to 1
#> >> Iterations (seed = 2): 7
#> S A I N T
#> C H E A P reduced from 946 to 362
#> A G L E Y reduced from 362 to 1
#> A B B E Y reduced from 1 to 1
#> >> Iterations (seed = 3): 4
#> Elapsed time: 0.666s
#> Seed Word: SAINT
#> Objective Word: ABBEY
#> Iterations: 3
#>   Mean to succeed: 5.67
#>   Max to succeed: 7 [seed = 2]
# hist(sapply(x, function(x) x$iters))