Given and input and a word, validate each letter based on Wordle's rules: correct letter in correct placement (green), correct letter in wrong placement (yellow), letter is not present (red).
dictionary = NULL,
lang_dic = "en",
method = 3,
print = TRUE
# S3 method for class 'wordle_check'
print(x, print = TRUE, ...)
wordle_dictionary(lang_dic = "en", method = 3, quiet = TRUE)
wordle_simulation(input, word, seed = NULL, quiet = FALSE, ...)
# S3 method for class 'wordle_simulation'
print(x, type = 1, ...)
- input
Character. Word to validate (5-letters)
- word
Character. Word actually answer (5-letters).
- dictionary
Character vector. List of valid words. If set to NULL then will use modified
to fetch 5 letter words. Uselang_dic
param to set language.- lang_dic
Character. Any of: "en", "es". Only used when
parameter is NULL. Requires internet connection the first time. Uses cache.- method
Integer. 1 for
, 3 for scrapping the words taken straight from the game's source code.Boolean. Print validation results?
- x
Object to print
- ...
Additional parameters.
- quiet
Boolean. Do not print words as they are being searched.
- seed
Numeric. For reproducibility. Accepts more than one: will run as many seeds there are.
- type
Integer. 1 for summary and 2 for coloured results.
word <- "ABBEY"
# Or pick a random one:
# word <- sample(wordle_dictionary("en"), 1)
wordle_check("OPENS", word)
#> O P E N S
wordle_check("BABES", word)
#> B A B E S
wordle_check("KEBAB", word, print = FALSE)
wordle_check("ABYSS", word)
#> A B Y S S
wordle_check("ABBEY", word)
#> A B B E Y
# Feel free to use scrabble_words() for hints
x <- wordle_simulation(input = "SAINT", word = "ABBEY", seed = 1:3)
#> S A I N T reduced from 14,855 to 946
#> A L G A E reduced from 946 to 85
#> A B O R D reduced from 85 to 7
#> A B A C A reduced from 7 to 2
#> A B U Z Z reduced from 2 to 1
#> A B B E Y reduced from 1 to 1
#> >> Iterations (seed = 1): 6
#> S A I N T
#> A R A B A reduced from 946 to 117
#> A F L O W reduced from 117 to 36
#> A G G A G reduced from 36 to 19
#> A C K E E reduced from 19 to 6
#> A D D E D reduced from 6 to 1
#> A B B E Y reduced from 1 to 1
#> >> Iterations (seed = 2): 7
#> S A I N T
#> C H E A P reduced from 946 to 362
#> A G L E Y reduced from 362 to 1
#> A B B E Y reduced from 1 to 1
#> >> Iterations (seed = 3): 4
#> Elapsed time: 0.89s
#> Seed Word: SAINT
#> Objective Word: ABBEY
#> Iterations: 3
#> Mean to succeed: 5.67
#> Max to succeed: 7 [seed = 2]
# hist(sapply(x, function(x) x$iters))