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Fetch customizable palettes for the library's usage. The package has its own default colour-blind friendly colours but can be customized using R internal options (i.e. options("lares.palette" = c("#FF8303" = "#000", "#40A4D8" = "#FFF", ...)). There are 3 options you can use to customize all colour palletes: "lares.palette" (vector, will be used in the same order as passed, and must have a counter colour defined), "lares.colours" (vector, simple colour names and their HEX codes), and "lares.colours.custom" (data.frame, containing "values" to use dynamically, "fill" for main colour, and "colour" (not obligatory) for counter colour).


lares_pal(return = "list")



Character. Get only what you need. Select any of: "all" or "list" (list), "colors" or "colours" (vector), "pal" or "palette" (named vector), "simple" (named vector), "custom" or "personal" (data.frame)


Depending on the return input, we get a:

  • vector with palette results vector

  • vector with palette results vector's names

  • list with palette results vector, labels results data.frame, and simple results named vector

See also


# Simple colour-named palette
#>    orange      blue    purple       red     green      navy    yellow      grey 
#> "#EA9A28" "#00B1DA" "#6A2C70" "#E63946" "#00C9AE" "#125D98" "#F8D962" "#8D99AE" 
#>      pink   fuchsia     brown     black     white 
#> "#F6B8B8" "#FF2EB5" "#884F3E" "#0c0c0c" "#F6F5F5" 

# Raw colours and counter-colours
# OR simply: lares_pal("palette")
nice_palette <- lares_pal("colours")
nice_palette_ctr <- as.vector(lares_pal()$palette)
lapply(list(nice_palette, nice_palette_ctr), head)
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "#EA9A28" "#00B1DA" "#6A2C70" "#E63946" "#00C9AE" "#F8D962"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "#000000" "#000000" "#FFFFFF" "#000000" "#000000" "#000000"

# Personal colours by name
df <- lares_pal("custom")
df[sample(nrow(df), 5), ]
#>       values    fill  colour
#> 8      false #E63946 #0c0c0c
#> 46 instagram #E95950 #0c0c0c
#> 21  negative #E5586E #0c0c0c
#> 45  facebook #4267B2 #0c0c0c
#> 2          f #F6B8B8 #0c0c0c