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Build standard prompts to get the right outcomes using the four theoretical elements required to build standard and cleaner asks: instruction, input, context, and output. Inspired by the Prompt Engineering Guide free guide. Remember to start simple and be very specific to get exactly what you need.


  instruction = NULL,
  input = NULL,
  context = NULL,
  output = NULL,
  quiet = TRUE,


instruction, input, context, output

Character or vector. You do not need all the four elements for a prompt and the format depends on the task at hand.


Boolean. Should the written prompt be printed or not?


Additional parameters. You can pass cols parameter to explicitly set column names.


(Invisible) list with written prompt and elements provided.

Elements of a Prompt


a specific task or instruction you want the model to perform. It usually starts with a verb given its an instruction.


input data, elements or question that we are interested to find a response for,


external information, additional context or references to steer the model to better responses.


type or format of the output.

See also

Other ChatGPT: gpt_ask()

Other LLM: gemini_ask(), gpt_ask()


# A simple formatted table with data
# Note: I mostly use output = "table" and enabled an auxiliary enrichment prompt
(p <- gpt_prompter(instruction = "Capitals of the world", output = "table"))
#> $prompt
#> [1] "Instruction = Capitals of the world ### Output = Markdown format table. If missing elements, replace with NA. For numerical columns, only use a dot for decimals, no delimiters, no abbreviations"
#> $elements
#> $elements$instruction
#> [1] "Capitals of the world"
#> $elements$input
#> $elements$context
#> $elements$output
#> [1] "Markdown format table. If missing elements, replace with NA. For numerical columns, only use a dot for decimals, no delimiters, no abbreviations"

# Classify
p <- gpt_prompter(
  instruction = "For each of the inputs, classify using only the options in context",
  input = c("Molecule", "Elephant", "Milky Way", "Cat", "Planet Earth"),
  context = c("Big", "Medium", "Small"),
  output = "table",
  # This cols parameter is auxiliary
  cols = c("Input", "Category"),
  quiet = FALSE)
#> Instruction = For each of the inputs, classify using only the options in context
#> Input = Molecule; Elephant; Milky Way; Cat; Planet Earth
#> Context = Big; Medium; Small
#> Output = Markdown format table. If missing elements, replace with NA. For numerical columns, only use a dot for decimals, no delimiters, no abbreviations; also, it must have 2 columns named exactly: Input and Category 

# Tag all categories that apply
p <- gpt_prompter(
  instruction = paste("For each of the inputs, provide which of the",
                      "context values apply as correct tags using TRUE/FALSE"),
  input = c("I love chocolate", "I hate chocolate", "I like Coke", "Who am I?", "T-REX"),
  context = c("food", "positive", "negative", "beverage"),
  output = "table",
  quiet = FALSE)
#> Instruction = For each of the inputs, provide which of the context values apply as correct tags using TRUE/FALSE
#> Input = I love chocolate; I hate chocolate; I like Coke; Who am I?; T-REX
#> Context = food; positive; negative; beverage
#> Output = Markdown format table. If missing elements, replace with NA. For numerical columns, only use a dot for decimals, no delimiters, no abbreviations 

# Extract information from strings
p <- gpt_prompter(
  instruction = "For each of the inputs, extract each of the information asked in context",
  input = c("My mail is", "30 Main St, NY, USA", "+82 2-312-3456", "$1.5M"),
  context = c("email", "full state name", "country of phone", "full non-abbreviated number"),
  output = "table",
  cols = c("Input", "Element_to_extract", "Value"),
  quiet = FALSE)
#> Instruction = For each of the inputs, extract each of the information asked in context
#> Input = My mail is; 30 Main St, NY, USA; +82 2-312-3456; $1.5M
#> Context = email; full state name; country of phone; full non-abbreviated number
#> Output = Markdown format table. If missing elements, replace with NA. For numerical columns, only use a dot for decimals, no delimiters, no abbreviations; also, it must have 3 columns named exactly: Input, Element_to_extract, and Value 

# Translate to several languages
p <- gpt_prompter(
  instruction = "For each of the inputs, translate to the respective languages in context",
  input = rep("I love you with all my heart", 5),
  context = c("spanish", "chinese", "japanese", "russian", "german"),
  output = "table",
  cols = c("Input", "Language", "Translation"),
  quiet = FALSE)
#> Instruction = For each of the inputs, translate to the respective languages in context
#> Input = I love you with all my heart; I love you with all my heart; I love you with all my heart; I love you with all my heart; I love you with all my heart
#> Context = spanish; chinese; japanese; russian; german
#> Output = Markdown format table. If missing elements, replace with NA. For numerical columns, only use a dot for decimals, no delimiters, no abbreviations; also, it must have 3 columns named exactly: Input, Language, and Translation 

# Format date values
p <- gpt_prompter(
  instruction = paste("For each of the inputs,",
                      "standardize and format all values to the format in context"),
  input = c("March 27th, 2021", "12-25-2023 3:45PM", "01.01.2000", "29 Feb 92"),
  context = "ISO Date getting rid of time stamps",
  output = "table",
  cols = c("Input", "Formatted"),
  quiet = FALSE)
#> Instruction = For each of the inputs, standardize and format all values to the format in context
#> Input = March 27th, 2021; 12-25-2023 3:45PM; 01.01.2000; 29 Feb 92
#> Context = ISO Date getting rid of time stamps
#> Output = Markdown format table. If missing elements, replace with NA. For numerical columns, only use a dot for decimals, no delimiters, no abbreviations; also, it must have 2 columns named exactly: Input and Formatted 

# Convert units
p <- gpt_prompter(
  instruction = paste("For each of the inputs,",
                      "provide new converted values using the units in context"),
  input = c("50C", "300K", "100F", "0F", "32C", "0K"),
  context = "Fahrenheit",
  output = "table",
  cols = c("Input", "Original_Unit", "Total_Value", "Converted_Value", "New_Unit"),
  quiet = FALSE)
#> Instruction = For each of the inputs, provide new converted values using the units in context
#> Input = 50C; 300K; 100F; 0F; 32C; 0K
#> Context = Fahrenheit
#> Output = Markdown format table. If missing elements, replace with NA. For numerical columns, only use a dot for decimals, no delimiters, no abbreviations; also, it must have 5 columns named exactly: Input, Original_Unit, Total_Value, Converted_Value, and New_Unit 
# Read a text and answer a question related to it
gpt_prompter(instruction = "read",
  context = "Long text here",
  input = "Question here")$prompt
#> [1] "Instruction = You are a pro content editor who will read the context text and reply using a single concise response to the question asked in input. If the answer is not found in context, reply you cannot find the answer in the text ### Input = Question here ### Context = Long text here"